Warehouse worker, Schenker Logistics – tempo team – Venlo

  • Venlo

tempo team


Hey you! Looking for a job in day shift for € 13.68per hour? As a warehouse worker at DB Schenker in Venlo, you canstart right away! Your free gym and you even get paid for it! Wow!Read on for more information about your new dreamjob.

What we offer

  • €13.68 perhour!
  • Chance of a permanentcontract.
  • Travel allowance and 8.33% holidaypay.
  • Opportunities to become a reach truckdriver
  • Obtaining certificates for EPT and reachtruck.
  • A top job with super funcolleagues!

Who youare

As a warehouse worker at DBSchenker

  • You speak Dutch and/orEnglish
  • You have muscles or would you like togrow them

What will youdo

You wake up feeling greatbecause you get to go to the coolest job in Venlo again! Woohoo!You greet your colleagues as you arrive. You start with a sunrisemeeting, enjoying a nice cup of coffee or tea, of course. ;-)Together, you dive into work. In this beautiful new building,you’ll build even more muscles than you already have. As a packerat Schenker, you’re really getting into it. You won’t find thisfree gym anywhere else.  You deal with all sorts of products,from toy houses to electronic items, you name it! After the break,you’re ready to go for a few more hours with your awesomecolleagues. One team, one task! You feel satisfied, and you’ve gotyour cash in hand (which you’ll see in your account within a week).What more could you want? Back home in chill mode. Tomorrow isanother day at your top job as a warehouseworker!

Where will youwork

DB Schenker is a greatcompany to work for. In their new building, the atmosphere isexcellent. Isn’t that amazing? Together with your colleagues, youall strive for top-notch results. And guess what? Want to advancein your career? That’s absolutely possible at DB Schenker in Venloas a warehouse worker. You can become a reach truck driver. Getyour free certificates for EPT/reach truck and/or forklift here.But wait, there’s more! You also have the chance to secure apermanent contract. BAM! And… if you’re working through TempoTeam, you’ll have access to over 100 online trainings to broadenyour knowledge. From language to IT courses. So, you definitelywant to work here, right?


Still hesitating?Don’t! This job won’t last long. So, apply now as an warehouseworker! Want to talk to us quickly? Schedule a phone appointmentvia this link: https://calendar.app.google/UgB7xCJqJfvVgfZR8. We’llcall you at a time that suits you best!

Uiteraard staatdeze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierin herkent.

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