Warehouse worker DSV – tempo team – Venlo

  • Venlo

tempo team


Do you want to earn €13,68 excl. shift allowance perhour? Have guaranteed hours? Work between big fashion brands?Sounds cool right? As a warehouse worker at DSV in Venlo this isall possible:) yeeeey!

What weoffer

  • Salary from€13,68 per hour.
  • Travel allowance from €0,23per kilometer
  • Earn up to €16,42 after19:00!
  • A clean and great warehouse to workin.
  • Growingopportunities!

Who youare

You are the perfectcandidate for this job if:

  • You canspeak Dutch or English.
  • You can work in 2shifts or in moved dayshifts from7:00-19:00.
  • You have your owntransport.
  • You are fulltimeavailable.

What will youdo

Start the day with a cup ofcoffee together with your colleagues and discuss the goal fortoday. As a warehouse worker at DSV you will be picking the mostbeautiful sunglasses and clothing of great brands! You do thiswhile driving on an EPT vroeeeeemm. The automatic system will showyou the way in this beautiful, clean warehouse. At the end of theday you have done a lot of work and you have helped to ensure thatall clothing packages are delivered to the rightaddress:)

Where will youwork

You have probably seen theDSV trucks at some point, because there are a lot of them! Morethan 15,000 driving around all of Europe! WOW! DSV is a hugefacility with 4 departments and is fully equipped with the latesttechnology. You will be working in a cleanly organized companywhere you as a warehouse worker are appreciated! Applyquickly!


Would you like tostart immediately as a warehouse worker and have your first salaryin your account already next week? Ka-ching! Press the button andapply! Who knows, maybe we will talk tomorrow already!:) Or you canplan a phone appointment in via this linkhttps://recruitmentzuidoost.youcanbook.me/

Uiteraardstaat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierinherkent.

Om tesolliciteren heb je een account nodig. Bij je eerste sollicitatiemaak je dit eenvoudig via het sollicitatieformulier aan. Bij eenvolgende sollicitatie kun je inloggen en worden je gegevensopgehaald. Met je account kun je inloggen op Mijn Tempo-Team. Hierkun je de voortgang van je sollicitatie(s) volgen en jepersoonlijke gegevens en cv aanvullen zodat wij de beste baan voorjou kunnen vinden.

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